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Posted Wed Jun 24, 2015 | 264 Words | Tagged story

Photo from Tumblr

I had just finished a workout at the gym which was part of a large leisure centre, yeah it wasn’t much of a workout but it was enough to really tire me out. I opened the locker to get my clothes trying not to notice the two guys either side of me in my ideal goal.

I turned around to put my bag on the bench and caught a glimpse of one of them. He was smirking at me, and wow I loved his look so much. Fitting a sleeveless top properly, even a sleeve tribal tattoo down his arm.

I’m sure I caught a wink and I felt someone grab hold of me, and I felt the back of the bench. Looking up all I could see was a white pouch in front of me. My nostrils were burning of the scent of sweat and musk.

But then it felt a bit better, mmmm, I actually quite liked it. I felt it burning in my lungs and the burning spreading out across my body and into my muscles. Then I felt a knee holding me down as the white pouch got closer and I touched it.

It almost felt an electric shock as I’m sure I felt my face reshape and prickles on the sides of my face. Something else though, it felt as though my clothes were on fire.

I was actively sniffing the underwear in front of me, longing for more. My clothes stopped stinging and I felt myself now wearing a sleeveless top, shorts and ankle pads with long socks.