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Posted Sun Jul 5, 2015 | 229 Words | Tagged story

Photo from Tumblr

I saw a baseball cap outside my front door just as I was coming in. It was a bit odd considering I was not expecting anything like this, and it was probably just some silly kids. I picked it up expecting some prank or something, but nope just a hat laying outside.

I went to my bathroom to freshen up as it had been a long day of work. I realised I was still holding onto the cap and so I wondered if I could put it on. I decided to put it on backwards just for a laugh.

As soon as it was on my head felt a bit funny, I saw my eyes glow a different colour and my brain slowed down. I felt a massive pain in my face as my face changed shape and looking in the mirror, the face was slightly familiar. I noticed a bit of stubble, but it was the wrong colour. Ginger stubble sprouted out and stopped at an ok length, but grew all over.

I hated having any facial hair, but this looked quite nice. Slowly I noticed all of my other hair changed to a ginger colour. I looked down and even saw my armpit hair and public hair was ginger too. Heck, I was even a lot more muscular… Muscles… oh fuck bro, time for the gym huhuhu