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Posted Sat Jul 11, 2015 | 261 Words | Tagged story

Photo from Tumblr

I was going to be late to my interview, but I needed to pick up a deodorant so I wouldn’t stink when I finally got there. Stupid alarm clock never went off.

The only shop around was a small newsagents. An old man sitting behind the counter looks over, seemingly pleased someone actually came into his shop. I asked if he had any and surprisingly yes, he had a couple cans of some labelled, “Le Baiseur“. I’d never heard of it but I bought one anyway, hopefully it would work.

Looking at the time, I was terrified. I only had 15 minutes to get there and it was still quite a while away. Quickly, I sprayed some of the deodorant on once I got out of the shop. I decided to run, even though being as unfit as I am, this was not an easy task. 

I surprisingly was able to run faster than normal, and my legs weren’t getting tired. I saw the building I had to get to, but I didn’t stop. I think I had to be at this building. I stopped and put my arm to my chin to think feeling the stubble, which I couldn’t remember if I had or not there.

That’s right, I was off to the interview for a modelling job and it was 5 minutes away. Arriving well on time, I looked at myself in the mirror. Not even breaking a sweat, and damn I knew I was good looking enough for this job.

And I was right, I start work tomorrow.