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Posted Sun Sep 13, 2015 | 305 Words | Tagged story jock

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Andy Dalton

Finally finished another day at the catalogue store and no longer to wear the dumb earpiece to listen to whatever junk people don’t need are ordering from the many shelves in the warehouse. I worked really hard and hardly ever got any credit for it, even managing to keep up with demand when there was only me who actually turned up to work.

When I got into the staff room I was about to pull out the earpiece when I was told,

“Hey Andy, great work. Head office said they’re promoting you or some shit”

A promotion? Wow, that was pretty much unheard of for where I was working. Hopefully it wouldn’t involve me doing more work than I already do. I then sat down on the sofa we had and my head felt a bit funny so I closed my eyes. No point trying to go home if I wasn’t feeling too good, hopefully it’d pass quite quickly.

My arms hurt and my back ached and my legs did all the time. I had been working almost non-stop again for the past 8 hours running around the building collecting random bits of tat.

I looked down and I was sure they looked a bit bigger, but I wasn’t too sure. I got up and started to feel a lot better, all I needed was a bit of rest. I opened my locker and looked in the mirror. My face wasn’t that rough was it? Nor was my hair that sexy ginger colour? Sexy? What was going on with me today.

I pulled off the earpiece at last and then started to get changed. I pulled on my football gear. Football gear? Yeah that was right, in time for practice tonight. I put my earpiece in, ready to listen to Coach’s orders.