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Posted Thu Oct 22, 2015 | 151 Words | Tagged story jock

Photo from Tumblr

You wondered why someone put those fancy expensive looking things in your locker… all while it was locked and you were trying your hardest (but not nearly enough) out on the gym floor. Curiously, you put them on your head but then slowly put them around your head.

Then it starts, you feel the beating in your head. It gets so hard to think, all of those brain cells relaxing. Your muscles going to work, multiplying rapidly and loosing that mound of fat they all had.

Then you realise through all of the pleasure of this, your t-shirt has been torn to tatters and your shorts are too loose. Luckily there’s a kit bag in your locker too. Luckily there’s a nice under armour tank and shorts. Then you check your phone and you’ve got a text, “Hey bud, still up for joining the team?”

You reply, “Yeah, why wouldn’t I?”