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Posted Wed Nov 11, 2015 | 160 Words | Tagged story dumb jock

Photo from Tumblr

The model had turned up the shoot as he thought his body was good enough for it. Of course it was, it was good for anything they wanted a guy in. So he signed his way into it without reading any of the description.

When he got there they forced him down and applied the “GYM MAXX” logo onto almost invisible muscles. Instantly he felt it burn through his muscles and straight to his head. He couldn’t think at all, his thoughts mushing and gooing into nothing.

Then he felt it. His abs started to be pushed into overdrive, gaining more definition with each breath. Then his arms started to grow as well, using up whatever brain cells the ex-model had to pump him up.

Soon he’ll be ready. Sadly the photoshoot was only for the coach’s promotion photo of the team. The coach had to thank GYM MAXX for being able to get a team so quickly for him.