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Posted Thu Nov 12, 2015 | 495 Words | Tagged story chav accent

Photo from Tumblr

I bought the amulet from eBay thinking it looked pretty neat and decided to wear it when meeting one of my friends on my course, Mason. Mason annoyed me at times, as he struggled really hard to deal with the work but he was a nice lad. He’d also recently came out to me, and I think he liked me but he just wasn’t the kind of lad I’d go for.

We met up and went to Starbucks for something for lunch. I hated Starbucks, but it was better than nothing. We were sat opposite each other in the fairly quiet area of the establishment. He caught a glimpse of the amulet and seemed interested in it. In fact, he just stared into it while I was sipping away on my drink sidetracked by some guy I saw outside. Damn he looked hot.

I looked back at Mason and saw his eyes were… vacant and he seemed to almost be drooling.

“Mason, you ok there?”

He seemed deeply tranced by what I assumed to be the amulet. He just nodded gleefully. I wondered how deep he was, and something crossed my mind that would be fairly malicious, but it sounded good.

“Mason, will you do anything I tell you at all?”

Mason again nodded. This was not like him at all, so I decided to play with it.

I told him to drop the thoughts of university and programming, they were smart and complicated things he found so hard. So easy to drop them. I asked him some things he should have known, and he couldn’t recall anything and said his head hurt, but in an almost robotic tone as if it was taking a lot of energy just to divert enough attention away from the amulet just to talk.

Next I told him that his Scouse accent wasn’t good enough and he needed it to grow and become incredibly thick and to take over his tongue entirely. Also I told him his tongue was also full of swearing and anger, everything a growing chav needs.

What was left was to get him to pull the cockiness up. I started to see a smirk appear on his face as I got him to be progressively more cocky. The anger was increased finally, and then I landed the final words,

“Mason, you are a dirty fit scouse chav. And it makes you feel so good knowing this. Waking you up on the count of 5″

His eyes almost light up as a lightbulb came on in his head, and he grabbed onto my neck as I saw him smirk at something. I was slightly worried as to what I created, but that melted away as I saw the amulet on his neck and it seemed to spin faster and faster, blurring my world away. Whatever the new Mason was going to do to me, I was excited already before my mind fell asleep to the spiral.