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Posted Sun Nov 15, 2015 | 278 Words | Tagged story pup

Photo from Tumblr

The two lads had broken into the shop looking for anything to knick. They were notorious in the area, however they had broken into the wrong shop if they wanted to get away with anything without strings attached.

They were drawn to a box in the backroom and it looked like it’d make them a few bar. They both agreed to get the box and took it with them. What they failed to notice was the pawprint on the box, or the fact the shop owner made them want this box.

They opened it and found to contain various items. Some mask that looked like a dog, a collar, chain and a few other things and they got a little freaked out by it.

They got to a bottle marked purely with a paw print. Curious as to what it was and the complete lack of information on the bottle itself, they opened it and smelt… wet dog. But then it didn’t smell too bad did it? Pups were kinda cool after all. One of them picked up the mask and almost in a trance put it on.

The other ordered him onto the floor. They didn’t know why they were acting like this, but it felt good. Right. It was starting to make them horny. But they were straight right? No that wasn’t right, it couldn’t be right.

A few days later the chavvy pup and his handler were happy with who they were. The shopkeeper checked up on them and was quite happy he managed to help his community, even in his own little way. All they needed was a bit of pup in their lives.