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Posted Mon Feb 8, 2016 | 281 Words | Tagged story chav

Photo from Tumblr

He found the pair of shoes while trying to find his way home. Already fucked out of his mind on the amount of alcohol running around inside his body. He had been out partying and got separated with his friends. He didn’t know the city he was in at all. All he knew was roughly where his friends lived. Looking for the big block of fancy flats, which he had managed to walk the opposite direction to hours ago.

He had somehow lost his shoes and was walking around with wet soggy socks. Seeing the shoes and them looking dry, he thought it was better than nothing.

Putting them on, they were a bit too big for his feet. He didn’t mind though, they were some shoes anyway. They didn’t match his jeans and dress shirt, but it didn’t matter.

The more he walked, he seemed to have a rough idea of where he was going. Home right? The shoes felt a bit more comfortable than before. Surely his feet were smaller. He liked the idea of his big feet squishing around in his shoes. His shoes? Something wasn’t right. It was surely just the amount of alcohol in him.

He felt something strange. He felt as though he was wearing someone else’s clothes. That wasn’t right. Why would he go out in jeans and other shit?

He looked down at himself. Yeah, of course he was wearing his puma trackies and top. He stumbled around and started to remember. Yeah his council house was just up ahead wasn’t it.

He knew how dumb he was, but it didn’t matter because he was a hard lad. Who needed a job anyway.