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Posted Mon Feb 15, 2016 | 391 Words | Tagged story workie dirty

Photo from Tumblr

Photo from Tumblr

Photo from Tumblr

Joey was walking home from his fancy office job. Suit and everything. That was until he got to him. They knew he has a secret fantasy of workies and hi-viz. Joey hadn’t told anyone, of course not, they’d all think he was crazy, but he craved it so much.

He chucked him into their van and drove off strutting around in his hi-viz. He’ll be unconscious for a few hours, enough to make sure his work will set properly. Nobody would know the difference by morning, they never did.

He got the gas mask onto Joey as soon as they could. Attaching the hose to his crotch first, the first drafts of the workie scent making their way through to Joey. All he could smell was it. Jolted awake by the sudden change to the air he was breathing. He couldn’t see much when he opened his eyes, just the low light of a guy in some kind of hi-viz jacket, a hose and a jeering face.

He tried to resist at first, but he needed to breathe. He hated at first, but he needed air. Then he started to feel slightly dizzy. It wasn’t that bad was it? Something wasn’t feeling right was it? He started to even enjoy it. He wanted this right.

His head started to hurt even more. Raising his hands over to feel just the rubber, to try and comfort his head. Something wasn’t right was it. Moving his arms he heard the sound of something that wasn’t his suit. It was a jacket of some kind and his arms were free from clothing.

Joey started to feel a slight burning sensation in his body. As though his muscles were burning. Feeling years of labouring pile into them. Yeah, that sounded right didn’t it? This is what he wanted.

Half an hour later he was released and the lights turned on. Joey instinctively looked down at his arms. Yeah, fucking nice tats on them aren’t they? Fuck, he needed a tab right?

Something felt right inside him. After spitting out the remains of whatever was left in his mouth, probably whatever the fuck kept him in that fucking poncy office job, he got up and got back to work on the site with his buddy. He made sure to propa thank him for sorting him out.