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Posted Thu Feb 18, 2016 | 344 Words | Tagged story workie

Photo from Tumblr

I was checking my phone, bored as always in my office job. Loading up one of the various dating apps I had installed and browsed through the typical photos. Yeah, no you’re not a bridge, probably not you, meh not really.

One caught my eye. A lad in hi-viz, who looked cute enough and said he was a brickie. Even better was the fact he was nearby. He seemed to reply quite quickly, and seemed quite interesting. Gave me something to look forward to once I was finished in the office for the day.

We met up and went over to his place. It was a bit of a walk, and it felt strange. He felt powerful and strong, and I felt just odd in my suit. 

His place was a bit of a dump, but it was what you would imagine. He noticed I was eying him up in his work gear,

“Mate, you wonna wear me kit?”

I gingerly took off my suit, and put it to one side where I hoped it wouldn’t get dirty and then put on his clothes. Strangely looking in a mirror, the difference was outstanding. Clothes making such a difference. I sat down in them, wow it felt so comfy, so right like this.

Then he came back into the room with a large sticker like thing. Saying it was a temporary tattoo so I could look properly like him. It was a tribal to go on my upper arm.

Once it was on, my head felt a little fuzzy and I fell asleep there and then.  

Waking up feeling refreshed I felt as if I managed to sleep really well surprisingly, the best I had in months. I got ready for work, putting on my hi-viz and gear. Yeah, that was right wasn’t it? I was a brickie wasn’t I? I looked around and saw some guy with a suit on. Must be that bloke I slept with last night right? Fuck, poncy office blokes can take their time. Gotta get to the site already.