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Posted Tue Jul 14, 2015 | 185 Words | Tagged story

Photo from Tumblr

I walked through the town, busy on my day of shopping. I walked past a group of skaters who looked like they were just getting high, like a lot of people in this square of the town, but it was a nice shortcut through a lot of the busy shops.

One of the skaters blew smoke right at me as I went past. I couldn’t see through my glasses. Then I felt something metal against my neck, as though someone had put something there.

When the smoke quite quickly cleared I looked and saw I couple necklaces.  Man, they looked cool.

“Dude, come chill with us”

I sat down and they offered me a smoke, I took it and felt my mind sway. I looked down and saw my skateboard where I was sure I had something else, but man who knows. Not long after we all took off on our boards.

By the end of the day we went round Paul’s house and sat around in just our underwear. Nice way to chill after a day of skating. Damn I had a fit bod.