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Posted Fri Feb 5, 2016 | 156 Words | Tagged story chav

Photo from Tumblr

His mate seemed a little strange when he was invited for a party. His mate never did parties right? When asked all he said was that he found some tunes that he liked and that was it.

When he arrived, his mate grabbed him and shoved him onto the sofa and cranked up the speakers. All he could hear was the grime banging against his ear drums. It was loud, but for some reason he couldn’t move. It just felt right.

The world seemed to thump along to the beat more and more. It sounded better and better to him as he relaxed into the sofa. Barely noticing with each beat his jeans changing into trackies or his hoodie turning into a nylon wind breaker.

He felt a slight buzz as his hair danced away with the beat. Along with the nerdy tendencies in his mind. Leaking out of his ears, never to be heard again.