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Posted Mon Mar 14, 2016 | 140 Words | Tagged story jock dumb

Photo from Tumblr

He decided to go for a short run. Not being athletic and all, and he decided to just play the recommended playlist on his phone. It started off fine, he just kept jogging and jogging. He didn’t seem to need to stop much, in fact it felt pretty good.

All he could hear was the beat in his head. It wasn’t until he reached the seaside after 2 and a half hours that he realised he went a little far and turned round and went back.

By the time he got back, what was left of his smarts had gone straight to his muscles. Now empty still listening to the beat, he was just a dumb musclehead now. Bet he couldn’t even remember he had a job or anything to go to. The only thing that mattered was the gym.