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Posted Wed May 18, 2016 | 181 Words | Tagged story chav

Photo from Tumblr

I was walking down the road, just on my way into town when the guy leaning on the bike rack, not a care in the world, smoking as guys of this kind would normally do. I was in a bit of a short tempered mood, as sometimes I would be.

It was not a good day for the lad to blow a load of smoke into my face,

“What the fuck was that for?” I exclaimed loudly at the guy. Shit, something was off. I wouldn’t normally snap that easily would I?

“Think you know farn well mate, need to sort you out”

Something about that lad just sparked anger in me. Didn’t have a clue what he was talking about did he?

I looked down at me, feeling lightheaded all of a sudden. Yeah, was wearing me trackies wasn’t I? Yeah, and me well comfy nikes.

My eyes felt all funny, rubbing them a bit. Feeling my vision clear a bit. For a fuckin second though i was waring glasses or summert. Where’d that wanker go?

Fuckin pricks these days.