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Posts tagged commission

If you like my writing, but want something a bit more "you" or tailored towards your fetishes, I'm usually available for commissions!

Ideally have some kind of photo, drawing, or reference you want as something to work my words around and be able to dig into aspects of changed personalities, behaviours and appearances. If you can't, we can possibly work something out.

The easiest way is to get in touch via Twitter or Telegram and we can work something out. Usually I can reply within a couple hours during the day UK/London time.

commission Stress of the Team

Jake had managed to get on the team by the skin of his teeth. The other top player had to take a year out due to a serious injury which meant he had to be in and out of hospital for over a year. A condition that sadly snatched his dream of being part of the team away from him, and landed it in Jake’s position. For Jake it was a dream come true.

Read More Posted Sat Aug 31, 2019 | 2050 Words | Tagged commission story vape